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The Home of the West Vincent Township Republican Committee. We work in West Vincent Township and Chester County, Pennsylvania Politics and Elections to promote Republicans and Republican beliefs.
West Vincent GOP
How the Republican Committee Works
The Republican Party operates locally by publicly elected representatives. It is an unpaid position. Every Precinct or District has two representatives which are gender represented so there is one committeeman and one committeewoman per area. IN 2018 it was updated to help fill Committee positions but most local committees continue to try to make the representation a man and woman.
The job of the committee people is to nominate and endorse viable local candidates that will represent the Republican voter properly Also, the committee people make sure that the Republicans of their district have information available from the endorsed Republican Party candidates. This is done through the distribution of literature and in the case of West Vincent Township, we even built this site; something that is very rare for any local committee to do.
The Selection Process
The local Republican Committees throughout the County meet early in the year to hold a nomination and endorsement processes. If it possible, they also do so in their own Townships. After years of no open local endorsement process in West Vincent Township, the newest Republican Committee people now hold an open meeting for any Republican seeking an endorsement.

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