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West Vincent GOP

Meet Your Committee People

Dedicated to promoting West Vincent Township Republicans, the West Vincent Township Elections and supporting the West Vincent Township Voter.

District 1 (Township Building Voting Polls)

George Dulchinos
Beverly Buckta

My family and I have enjoyed making West Vincent home for the last twenty years, residing in the village of Birchrunville.  Several years ago, I became involved with a neighborhood group concerned with development plans for a local historic property and started attending township meetings. I have served as an Elected Auditor in the township and am currently a member of the Planning Commission. 


There has been a marked, positive change in local governance which has come about after the election of candidates recommended by our committee and I am pleased to be serving as your Committeeman to help promote the principles of limited, efficient government that works for the people.  

Dr. Beverly Buckta has been a Committee woman for 2 years and has strong Republican values. After watching that poor recovery of the economy during the Obama Administration, she felt it was time for her to participate in the Party process in order to get the country back on track.

Copyright 2021 by West Vincent GOP. No Democrats were harmed in the making of this website.

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